Television News has been a huge influence on the public for decades. They have been broadcasting stories that have helped us and also change our views on certain political issues. Although they may change our views, or influence us to feel or think a certain way, the way they influence the viewer is according to the viewers you are talking about. Television news has helped put a face on the issues that we have had over the years. Without the influence of television news we would not be the nation we are today.
Viewers of TV news are influenced by the negativity. I feel as if the degree is bad. Once the news airs, the most that you see/hear is violence; negativity is beyond another chapter, because its always a death, kidnapping, or accident. The news is controlling us especially with negativity. That is all they show us and we just consume the negativity, in which we try to prevent certain situations such as: robberies, killing, rape, assault, etc. Viewers are also influenced in politics by their decisions, candidate’s elections, and laws. They can influence you to believe one political view over another with strong arguments regarding to the political subject.
When you talk about how viewers evaluate what they have seen on the news, it is all according to which class of viewers you are referring to. Your college-educated viewers are more likely to evaluate what they see and hear and know if it’s true or made into something that it is not. The viewers who are not college educated are more likely to be swayed by the news and believe the propaganda. It is also according to what the news it reporting about. If they were reporting about the wars in the Middle East than a lot of the non-college educated viewers would be able to tell the truth from lies. This is because most of the non-college educated viewers have either served in the military or have parents or even grandparents that have served. Then when it comes to politics your college-educated viewers understand more of the truth and lies that come with the news about it.
Media culture best explains the way that TV news influences public opinion. “Public opinion is the aggregate of individual attitudes or beliefs. Public opinion can also be defined as the complex collection of opinions of many different people and the sum of all their views, or as a single opinion held by an individual about a social or political topic.” The most popular stations give off the biggest impact such as: Cnn, CBS, ABC, and FOX. Media culture is focused more on receiving viewer’s attention. The only way they can receive that is by sending out captivating information to grab people’s attention; some of the topics catch our attention in which sometimes viewers get so deeply in tuned with it until they end up being controlled.
Television News has been a huge influence on the public for decades. They have been broadcasting stories that have helped us and also change our views on certain political issues. Throughout media culture, viewers critically evaluate the credibility of what they see and hear, at times viewers receive a bad degree by what they see on TV; it is all negative and rarely positive. Television news has helped put a face on the issues that we have had over the years. Without the influence of television news we would not have a public opinion or be the nation we are today.
Pretty much, this video project was just a clip that explained how anyone would feel on the morning of a big job interview. The motive of this video was to catch the attention of teenagers and adults. My goal was to show the audience the prerequisite steps before an interview with a little twist of humor. In order to create this video, I had to delete a couple of files from my cellular phone in order to record. I had a friend of mine record my every action. Before I completed this project, I went through rough takes that lasted 2hrs lol. I used my cellular device and a video app called "Perfect video", and through these two devices, I created this clip.
My schedule is rough throughout the week, so the day when the assignment was due, I completed it. I also used Instagram's video editing as well in order to do 15 second clips and when I was finished I combined them all together. At first I thought it was a silent video project, but when I came in class, everybody had music. This made me kind of nervous, so at that very moment I went on my App Store & bought Pharells Happy song from Despicable Me 2. I attached it to the clip on my perfect video editor and it fit perfectly. I had fun while doing this assignment & I felt as if I added my own creative twist to it in order for it to come out as smooth as it did. The Anticipation says it all. Hopefully, as you watch this clip, you will enjoy and might even relate towards it. Enjoy :)